
Don't take our word for it

Don’t take our word for it

Letter of Gratitude

My name is Aníke van der Merwe and I am a FET in Taiwan.  This is a testimonial about my coordinator Mr. Kevin Lee.

Settling in Taiwan

My name is Sam, and I am a coordinator responsible for foreign teachers in Hsinchu City. My mission is to help foreign teachers to settle down in Taiwan.

Acclimating to Taiwan

Since I have only been in Taiwan for one year, I can say that I am by no means a local. However, I have gone to great lengths to try to become a member of its many communities.

My experience with Teach Taiwan and Taiwan

I am very happy to be in this country and plan to stay here teaching English for several more years. Teach Taiwan is a fantastic organization to work with from beginning to well into my first year.

How a semester in Taiwan turned into 7 years and counting!

Travelling to a new country, if not moving to live in a foreign country for a period of time is always exciting but can also be nerve racking, especially if you don’t know anyone from that country.


Had you asked me many moons ago on my study tour to Taiwan (this was about 14+ years ago)- if Taiwan would ever be a place that I would call “home”? I would have answered you, “Never in a thousand years”. But guess what? 14 years later and I have made it my “home” for the past 4 years and counting.

Reasons why an American Teacher Chose to Teach in Taiwan

Usually people leave for better pay, opportunities, or for a better life. In my case, it was for a better life. As an American teacher from the U.S., to move and teach in a country that paid less than what I made, a place I had no family or friends, a country that speaks a different language, and follows a culture I am unfamiliar with would seem like an insane decision to many.

A Place to Be Away From Home

"Love at First Sight” and “Lost in Translation” is how I usually describe the experience living in Taiwan as a foreign teacher. The love of traveling and teaching is what inspires me to take the opportunity to teach abroad. Upon arrival at the Taoyuan International Airport and seeing a glimpse of the island, Taiwan offers many interesting features that are very hard to ignore. These are a combination of modern and ancient culture, friendliness and hospitality of the local residences, and the diverse original Taiwanese food available everywhere. My first impression was that I feel like I found a home away from home. 

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